When the world seems too uncaring,
People around busy and deaf hearing,
And you seek refuge, then don’t expect,
Search within yourself to get your spirit back.

Be yourself always no matter what,
Let the fire burn within molten and hot,
“You are a loser”, people may say,
But listen to what your instincts convey.

The world will then seem a better place,
Deep within you’ll find smiles and solace,
Be alone yet not lonely, your mind and soul meet,
And see yourself turn into a happy free spirit…….



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An Emergency Physician by profession; writer, musician, entrepreneur, sportsman and a poet by passion, Dr. Mohit Garg is currently working as Sr. Consultant & Head of the Accident & Emergency department at Gleneagles Hospital, Mumbai. Apart from his zeal to write, he is also passionate about academics and is involved in teaching activities to young doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. This website is a source through which he fulfils his talent to write, and also to bring about a social change for society & the medical fraternity.


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