The Quackdoc guidelines to Spot a Resident Doctor.


1. Girl with apron, Pockets full of garbage, Restless, irritable , waddling gate .. Shouting on phone.. A GYNAECOLOGIST

2. Stethoscope in neck, Hump at back, silent, tired walk with masked facial appearance .. No response to stimuli to smile.. A MEDICINE DOCTOR

3. Snoozing on chair, Loud voice, few abuses, Dominating personality .. Blurring of vision.. A SURGEON

4. Brisk gait, White paste on pant and boots, Loud voice, talking of self .. Lots of attitude.. An ORTHOPEDIC Surgeon

5. Sad attitude, Tired body, no response to stimuli .. Red stethoscope with a toy hanging from it.. A PEDIATRICIAN

6. A doctor who on exposure to sunlight uses his frontalis muscle… A RADIOLOGIST/PATHOLOGIST

7. Cute chic with spotless white apron having buttons till neck… A DENTIST

8. Cute chic walking along with a group of cute chics…A PHYSIOTHERAPIST

9. The only person in the OT with mask BELOW his/her nose…A ANESTHETIST.

10. The resident who is sitting all by himself in the corner talking to himself…PSYCHIATRIST

11. In dirty White coat, confused, always in hurry, everybody shouting on him/ her including sister/ Mama …INTERN

12. A cool, calm, polite, smart, soft spoken with always a smile on face, sweet by nature…..These types of doctors only seen in TOOTHPASTE ADS.



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