Mumbai: In a rare incident which exposed the incompetence of the maintenance department of LTMGH, 100s were washed away when an amniotic sac in labor burst causing flash floods in Ward 12. The sac was reportedly 9 months old and the twin residents were warned by MUHS (Municipal Union for Hospitality Services) in the past.

Faking news caught up with Ganpat, a ward Mama who had a miraculous escape. “We were all sleeping like always when suddenly we heard a blast. Initially we thought it was the Registrar scolding the Houseman but when we saw newborns running out of the labor room,we knew something was wrong. Next moment the lights went out and I found myself riding a 1 foot tall wave. Luckily, I climbed onto the USG machine floating close to me.

In the wake of the aftermath, nurses were seen carrying the placenta stealing ward cats on their shoulders and walking through the slimy fluid….Many cribs were destroyed, ward incubators also flooded. As the fear of the Tsunami looms over, many patients from the ‘non existent’ Ward 13 were shifted to the college hostel across the road.The disaster management team from PSM department which saw the event live from the satellite room swung into action and now claims to get things back to normal in 3-4 days.

Among the most hard hit were the houseman from all units who were rendered homeless. “We spent out entire 1st year in the ward side room. Even daily chores like drinking and dancing were done there”, recollected Anand Nanawati, a famous Mumbai based gynecologist and an alumni of LTMMC. The Dean of LTMMC Sangam has labelled it as a very unfortunate natural calamity. “We have forwarded our request to MUHS for a new drainage system in LTMGH, it is likely to cost around 3 Crores”, he added with a wicked smile.

If you wish to bring back the smile, finance the expensive education or adopt the writer, send your generous donations in form of ‘Comments/Likes’ to Faking news, C/O Dr.Free Spirit, Locker No.5, Boys Common Room, LTMMC. Last date of accepting donations – The day India becomes corruption free.



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An Emergency Physician by profession; writer, musician, entrepreneur, sportsman and a poet by passion, Dr. Mohit Garg is currently working as Sr. Consultant & Head of the Accident & Emergency department at Gleneagles Hospital, Mumbai. Apart from his zeal to write, he is also passionate about academics and is involved in teaching activities to young doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. This website is a source through which he fulfils his talent to write, and also to bring about a social change for society & the medical fraternity.


  1. The Dean of LTMMC Sangam – hilarious and Anand Nanavati a famous Mumbai based gynecologist – LMAO. Btw Sangam is no longer the head clerk of Cash Section he has been demoted.

  2. hey mohit! faking news is awesome!seriously. i never expected it to be so funny. i've been reading the original site for a while now, and dint expect this to match up, but it's been really good.
    🙂 the shorter, the funnier, the better!

  3. I loved the idea of this page..innovative and brillllliant, whose brain child was it??? Some matter is downright caustic but nevertheless witty. Reminds me of my days (at another place). Some things never change. (Have you read the doctor series by Richard Gordon?) Wonder if this will change anything though….if not it will at least help people to vent.

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