Feeling the heat of growing up and becoming a professional now… could’nt miss writing about that.

It all started a few days before my internship ended. It was 9 am when I got an unexpected call from Mrs. Prabhu (job consultant) asking me if I was willing for an interview at Asian Heart Hospital scheduled for 10 am (after 1 hour). Little unsure, yet I decided to take a chance knowing the brand value associated with AHIRC… …..and surprisingly, by 10.30 am, I had the confirmation …and so began a journey of a dream job to be the CMO of such a reputed hospital dealing with Cardio patients in emergency, which i was always interested in.

It has now been more than 3 months that I have been working here and I already feel so attached to this place…so luxurious (not less than a 7 star hotel) , great ambience…systematic work at all levels of employment…educated patients…cooperative staff…I feel so happy to look back in time. My colleagues Bharkha, Binoli, Sagar all have been great….the sisters, brothers, housekeeping…..everyone have been cooperative and caring… And to add to that, the icing on the cake are my great friends…more like brothers here..the cardio RMOs / IGNOU students Sagar, Maulik, Nishant, Ravibhai, Shiskir, Girish, Ashok and others….Hanging out most of the time after my duty in their room is so much fun…getting my taste of a good hostel life…time is spent discussing a few ‘Chindi’ consultant, patient cases, laughing on stupid jokes, watching movies, playing chess…studying…its all so simple and happy for me here…life is good !

The amount of respect I get here is immense as I’m the first person to attend to anyone who comes in an emergency. I feel the moral responsibility to make the patients and relatives comfortable and reassure them that nothing will go wrong now and things will be taken care of…I’ve shared tears, smiles, hugs…with each experience teaching me so much…Its so satisfying to be a ‘good’ doctor. Then there are the ICU shifts, Ambulance calls, Code Blue – critical patient brought to hospital, brought dead patients…which add to the work experience. I will surely miss my days at AHIRC once my contract expires in August.

Driving to work everyday…with the trademark sunglasses….hat…my ‘atrangi’ beard, loud music and me singing along at the top of my voice…100 plus speed on the empty highway at all times of my shifts gives a kick start to my day. Then the job, MBA studies and its classes, mock CAT exams…the diploma courses…I really feel I have overburdened myself…becoming a workaholic working 24 x 7 …..but at the end of the day when I see my family waiting for me at dinner with a lovely smile takes away all the stress and frustration…It is then followed by my guitar and music session before sleep.Each day is a day well spent.

Well the exams are coming closer now, and I’m looking forward to life with more vigor than before…Plan A, Plan B at the back of my mind…its time I put all my efforts to realize my vision of life…its not money for me as primary goal but peace, happiness, satisfaction, getting time for all extra curricular activities and finally sleeping with a smile on the face each day of life….which I have even now. Looking forward to welcoming the future with open arms and great expectations. 🙂



Previous articleHEART BROKEN
An Emergency Physician by profession; writer, musician, entrepreneur, sportsman and a poet by passion, Dr. Mohit Garg is currently working as Sr. Consultant & Head of the Accident & Emergency department at Gleneagles Hospital, Mumbai. Apart from his zeal to write, he is also passionate about academics and is involved in teaching activities to young doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. This website is a source through which he fulfils his talent to write, and also to bring about a social change for society & the medical fraternity.


  1. hey doc…we all wish you the very best…glad that u do enjoy what u do..glad to have u as my friend…love u brother

  2. Facebook - Master Mickey, Harshita Gandhi, Rahul Attarde, Mona kalsi, Akaksh Shah, Ritika Harjani, Gagan Dhall, Ramchandra Hendge, Nilesh Maske

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