Respected Teachers, senior consultants, parents, and my dear friends. 
First of all, I would like to thank everybody for giving me this privilege today to thank all of you on behalf of my colleagues and for greater privilege that we have been enjoying as the 1st resident doctors of a structured residency course at KDAH for the last 3 years. This is indeed a very special moment for us here today with a strange blend of happiness, sadness and nostalgia. Happy because we will be leaving KDAH for greater endeavor in future, sad for the same reason.

It really gives me goose bumps talking in front of this remarkable audience. An audience consisting of our teachers and our family members, without their support, training, sacrifice and patience we would not have come this far today. They are people who have looked up to us with great anticipation and hope, the ones who supported us in shaping our future and are now humble spectators of our performance. All I can say is THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart for the love, warmth, and most of all; your commitment to give to the medical fraternity, better doctors and the emergency physicians of tomorrow.

Also among the audience are my colleagues-friends including juniors and the nursing staff. Emergency medicine is a branch which teaches you to value team work. While in the department, we really worked as a closely bonded team to provide the best care possible and not compromise on our commitment towards patient’s health, off duty hours we were just a bunch of youngsters hanging out together, discussing everything, apart from work and studies. All the time we spent managing patients together, the resuscitations, trauma cases, code blues, lectures, presentations, last minute studying, late night birthday cake cuttings, the end of the month night shift treats, etc will really be missed. I’m sure that as soon as we will be scattered around the country and the globe, the nostalgia of togetherness will surely set in.

Last but not the least; I would like to thank a very silent member of our audience. One who has no hands to clap, and no lips to smile. But has a very big heart, the one whom we are going to miss the most. Our beloved Accident and Emergency department which is no doubt the best in the city and the best in Western India. Not to boast, but I trust our training and commitment so much that I do not even remember the number of people staying in Mumbai I have proudly told, if you want to save someone’s life in emergency, come to Kokilaben Hospital A & E (Accident & Emergency Department). If we can’t, no one else can. The department truly deserves our large slice of our gratitude.

To conclude, I would like to thank the almighty for giving us the strength to pull it off. Residency years are undoubtedly the toughest years of a doctor’s life.

I would like to end with this short 10 minute video clip of some of our wonderful memories at KDAH.

Thank you.



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