They said-Don’t keep high hopes
It hurts when dreams are broken
I said-I want to fly the limitless sky
and measure the span of my wings…..

They said-Don’t go deep in the ocean
You too will drown like many others
I said-I want to give it a try
to leave my footsteps on the ocean…..

They said-You will get lost fighting life
Nowhere to be found in the dark space
I said-I’ll search till I find the light one day
to shine like a star and guide others like me…..

Not concerned about what they said
I continued to walk alone and finally found my path
Now they follow me behind to shout
We always said this boy will win…..



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An Emergency Physician by profession; writer, musician, entrepreneur, sportsman and a poet by passion, Dr. Mohit Garg is currently working as Sr. Consultant & Head of the Accident & Emergency department at Gleneagles Hospital, Mumbai. Apart from his zeal to write, he is also passionate about academics and is involved in teaching activities to young doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. This website is a source through which he fulfils his talent to write, and also to bring about a social change for society & the medical fraternity.


  1. Amazing… really very true.
    I think u’ve put the fact of life very rightly into words.

    There are people all around who try and stop you, but one fine day suddenly the entire world expects so much from you.

    I think the best poem of the lot…

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